Thursday, August 27, 2015

Silver Lake Road bridge 2016 Fenton

Silver Lake Road bridge replacement slated for 2016 - Tri-County Times Newspaper: Local News for Fenton, Linden and Holly MI - Tri County Times

Friday, August 07, 2015

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Upcoming Summer Paddles 2015

July 16, through August 17 
Thursday evenings Fenton Music in the Park & Farmers Market Thursday 7 – 8:30 Enjoy the market and music. Meet other paddlers and launch on your own from Strom Park. You can paddle into the mill pond by the gazebo or go up river for a longer ride. Someone from Keepers will be there at 6:30 to launch with you. 

 July 20, Monday 
Shiawassee River Paddle Cole Rd to Duffield & possibly beyond to Byron Mill Pond. Meet in parking lot at the corner of Seymour & Silver Lake Rd. at 11:00. We will drive to Cole Rd to unload boats then spot cars at McCaslin Lake Rd launch, Bird Rd and Duffield Rd. Cole Rd is where we got out last month and the is the section that the crew cleared on Sunday, July 12. 

 July 29, Wednesday 
– Linden Music by the Mill Backbeats - Beatles Tribute Band 7 - 8:30 Listen on the water! You can paddle from Fenton’s Bush Park, Lake Ponemah’s boat launch or launch directly on Linden’s Mill Pond. 

July 30, Thursday- Keepers moonlight paddle, Linden Mill Pond. Pack your dinner and we will dine by the gazebo or pick up a sandwich from Bridge 117, Subway, Linden Coney or… Meet @ 6:30 for dinner.

 August 5 – 26, 
Wednesday evenings -
 Linden Music by the Mill and Farmers Market Free concert by the Mill 7:00 – 8:30 Enjoy the farmers market, grab something to eat and launch at your convenience__._,_.___

 Posted by: Maggie Yerman

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

2015 Revised paddling schedule

June 4, Thursday - Keepers moonlight paddle, Linden Mill Pond Dinner at Bridge 117 @ 6:30 pm Paddles wet 7:30.

June 6, Saturday - Keepers Linden’s river cleanup meet 8:00 am Linden Mill Pond. We’ll have two groups, one going up river to Tupper Lake other down river to Hogan Rd. This includes litter cleanup along the banks and Mill Pond.

June 7, Sunday - Headwaters Trails River Cleanup We’ll go from Holly Water Works Park to Strom Park in Fenton to prepare for the Adventure Paddle the following Sunday. Meet at 9:00 in Water Works Park. 

June 14, Sunday - Headwaters Trails "Adventure Paddle" registration begins at 11 am.  Pleasure Paddle starting on river at noon, sweep boat launches at 1:00 pm.

June 18, Thursday - Fenton Music in the Park & Farmers Market Keepers will launch from Strom Park in Fenton and then paddle into the mill pond by the gazebo to listen to the free Concert from 7 - 8:30 pm.  Paddles wet at 6:30 pm.

June 22, Monday -Shiawassee River Paddle from downtown Linden to McCaslin Lake Road. Meet at 11:00 am in the parking lot beside the river and behind the businesses on Bridge St. We will shuttle cars and be on the river by noon.

June 27, Saturday - City of Fenton river cleanup meet 8 am in Bush Park behind St. John’s church off Adelaide.

June 28, Sunday - River Fest in Fenton Bush Park from 12 - 6 pm, music, food, ducky races, cardboard boat race and more!

July 2, Thursday - Keepers moonlight paddle, Fenton Strom Park 301 East St. We’ll paddle up-river to the beaver dam then back to Fenton for dinner at Fenton Fire Hall (This is the first time to  try this event from this location, change possible depending on weeds in mill pond.)

July 12, Sunday -There will be a river cleanup on this day but depending upon the success of the previous cleanups, it has not yet been decided which stretch of the river will be worked on.

July 16, Thursday- Fenton Music in the Park & Farmers Market Thursday Enjoy the market and music. Keepers will launch from Strom Park at 6:30 and then paddle into the mill pond by the gazebo to listen to the concert from 7 - 8:30 

July 20, Monday – Shiawassee River Paddle from Byron to Geeck Rd County Park, Durand. We’ll stop mid-point at Walnut Hills for snacks & break. Meet at the Byron HS ball field at 11:00 to shuttle cars’ paddles wet at noon. Boat rentals are available from Cheff's Canoe rental 989-288-7067.

July 29, Wednesday – Linden Music by the Mill (actually on the water) Backbeats - Beatles Tribute Band 7:00 to 8:30 Listen on the water! You can paddle from Fenton’s Bush Park, Lake Ponemah’s boat launch or launch directly on Linden’s Mill Pond.

July 30, Thursday- Keepers moonlight paddle, Linden Mill Pond. Dine together first at 6:30, paddles wet at 7:30. Restaurant TBA.

August 5, Wednesday - Linden Music by the Mill and Farmers Market Free concert by the Mill 7:00 – 8:30 Enjoy the farmers market, grab something to eat and launch at your convince.

August 19,  Wednesday  - Linden Music by the Mill and Farmers Market  Free concert by the Mill 7:00 – 8:30 Enjoy the farmers market, grab something to eat and launch at your convince..

August 17,  Monday - Shiawassee River Paddle from Shiatown Park in Vernon to Lytle Rd Park in Corunna. We can continue to McCurdy Park in Corunna or portage the dam to Harmon Partridge Park in Owosso. 

August 27,  Thursday -  Keepers moonlight paddle, Argentine.  Meet at Lobdell Lake Boat Launch off Argentine Rd.  Paddle to Planks on the Lake Restaurant then back to the launch in the moonlight.  Paddles wet at 6:30.

September 24, Thursday- Keepers moonlight paddle. Holly. Meet at Holly’s mill pond across from Waterworks Park on Broad St. We’ll paddle up river then have dinner in Holly after the paddle.  Paddles wet at 6:30 pm.

October 3, Saturday - Headwaters Trails "Canoeing in Color” Paddle from Holly Water Works Park to Fenton Strom Park. Registration opens 11:00 in Water Works Park with boats launching at noon. Boats rental through Heavners Canoe Rental 248-685-2379.  Call in advance to reserve a canoe or kayak.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Road work in Fenton

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Funding Shiatown Dam removal

Good news, more funding, more action

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Fish Lake Road canoe launch

Holly Township, working with Headwaters Trails Inc., submitted a grant application for $45,000 to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund for a Fish Lake Road Launch and Parking construction project. 

HeadWatersTrails Inc out of Holly,MI needs to get the MDEQ and Road Commission permits approved and raise the final $15,000 match money needed for the project.  Any donations you can give toward making that match will be greatly appreciated, - not only by Headwaters Trails and the people who currently use the river, - but by future generations who will use this site and enjoy the beauty and serenity of the Shiawassee River.

As many of you know, Headwaters Trails has been working on keeping the Shiawassee River open for paddling by doing things like building a launch at Water Works Park and a bridge there to get to the launch from the parking area.  That is the start of the Shiawassee River Heritage Water Trail in Holly. 

At Fish Lake Road, down stream from Water Works Park, Headwaters Trails has purchased land to build a canoe launch which can function as a take out for people who only want a short trip on the river.

The site needs to have excavation, then fill, gravel, geotextile fabric and railings added to make a place for vehicles to stop and park safely.  From that parking area, a handicap accessible ramp needs to be built.  Headwaters Trails hired an engineering firm to draw up plans to build a launch that will be acceptable to both the MDEQ and Oakland County Road Commission.  This
grant application is to fund this project.

Headwaters Trails Inc. is a 501c3 Federal non-profit corporation.  Money donated is tax deductible.

Chuck Julian
Headwaters Trails Inc.
P.O. Box 33
Holly, MI 48442-0033

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Historical census info

 In 1895 the U.S. Atlas
provided this Census Data for ‪#‎Shiawassee‬ County,
by city/town:

Owosso (6,564),
Corunna (1,382),
Laingsburg (654),
Bancroft (642),
Vernon (585),
Perry (440),
Morrice (420),
Byron (413),
Durand (255),
New Lothrop (195). 


Monday, March 23, 2015

Shiawassee River Fest

Support river communities

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A river and Pi

Gain some understanding of the Shiawassee River and why it does what it does....

Friday, January 23, 2015

New Maps coming soon

Many folks are hard at work updating new river maps for recreation near and upon The Shiawassee River.

Look for them at upcoming events like Fenton Expo, Quiet Water Symposium in Lansing, and other venues.

With a little prior planning, a canoe/kayak trip of 20 miles in one day is quite possible. Explore new areas, see more wildlife, and experience a different section of the river. Some parts are skinny, some wide, others flow slow, while certain sections are quick. Something for everyone.

Get some some friends together, stage some vehicles downriver , then everyone shuttles back to the launch site. Take lots of pics throughout the day, share with people , let them know about your adventure on the Shiawassee.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Fenton sewer mishap

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Linden Environmental Issue

Underground gasoline leak confirmed in Linden
Posted: Friday, November 21, 2014 2:56 pm
Tri County Times

Linden — After reports came into the Times that an underground gas leak, 
reportedly from a gas station in downtown Linden, had contaminated ground 
in the small city, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Analyst 
Marjorie Frisch confirmed that Beacon and Bridge gas station is responsible.

Beacon and Bridge is located at 110 East Broad St.,
and owned by Quick SaV Food Stores LTD, out of Flint.

This underground gas leak has been under investigation since June of this year, 
and the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs,
Bureau of Fire Services (LARA) was notified upon confirmation.

According to an email from Frisch, “The gas station’s responsibilities are defined
 in Part 213 of Act  451. They will need to submit an IAR (Initial Assessment Report)
 in 180 days from the confirmed release date (Nov. 14, 2014).” 
In Part 213, the liable owner or operator needs to define the extent of
contamination in soil and groundwater and provide corrective actions 
to deal with all contamination issues. 

The DEQ will work with the gas station during these 180 days.
After testing the sump pump in the business located at 
109 North Bridge St., Bridge Street Exchange, 
the DEQ enlisted the assistance of Environmental Consulting & Technology (ECT),
which, according to ECT Senior Design Engineer Joel Parker
put in a vapor mitigation system at the affected business.

The gas components that were found at 109 North Bridge 
were tracked back to the gas station’s underground storage tanks. 
The DEQ remedied this situation with the implementation of the mitigation system.

Kevin Begola, owner of Bridge Street Exchange said the past 4 months 
have been a very stressful time as a property owner due to the situation at hand.
“I am relieved that this issue is finally coming to light. 
“After purchasing my building, we started noticing some smells 
that were alarming so we worked with these agencies to further inspect
the situation and what they uncovered was very shocking."

In November 2012, the Times reported that petroleum related ground contamination
 was found in the ground where the Union Block once stood, 
prompting Linden City to change its mind on purchasing the parcel. 
According to an article from December 2012, the termination stemmed from
the second environmental study conducted by Atwell Hicks who 
“identified the presence of petroleum related contaminants in soil and groundwater 
on the southwestern portion of the property at concentrations above the DEQ criteria.”

About 50 residents and business owners got together on Friday morning 
at the City Council Chambers for an informational meeting with 
representatives of the DEQ, its environmental testing firm, 
the health department, and other personnel to discuss the results of the 
air and ground water testing that was done over the summer, 
and to find out what will be done next.

Parker told the audience that the flow of the ground water 
helped determine why the contamination ended up at Begola’s business.

Linden City Manager Paul Zelenak said,
 “We were informed Thursday morning by the DEQ that the
Beacon and Bridge gas station was the likely source of the leak.” 
He said that they have been working with the DEQ and ECT over a year ago 
on the matter of ground contamination. The DEQ’s first tests were inconclusive, 
but after businesses began smelling fumes earlier this year, 
they had them come back for more testing.

“If we want to move forward as a city 
we need to have this problem taken care of,” Zelenak said.
“We’re just pleased that we are moving forward with this with the help of the DEQ. 
They will come up with ways to fix the problem.”

Residents may call Frisch at (517) 284­ -5101 with questions or concerns.
 Linden City will post updates on its website, 
and at city hall and the library.


Sunday, October 05, 2014

Next steps Shiatown Dam Removal

Shiatown Dam Removal
Project Next Steps
By Graham Sturgeon, staff writer

PLANNING – Stakeholder panel met Wednesday, Sept. 24, to
discuss planning for the ongoing removal of the Shiatown Dam on the
Shiawassee River just upstream of the Bennington Road bridge.
They included the Shiawassee Township Supervisor (STS), members
of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and
members of the Friends of the Shiawassee River (FOSR).
Phil Hathaway (FOSR),
Kevin Smith (FOSR),
Chris Freiberger (MDNR),
Joe Leonardi (MDNR),
Anthony Karhoff (STS)
Gary Burk (FOSR)
Tom Cook (FOSR)

An update on the continuing removal of the Shiatown
Dam, on the Shiawassee River just upstream of
the Bennington Road bridge, was Wednesday night
by the Friends of the Shiawassee River (FOSR) at the
Shiawassee Township Hall in Bancroft. Members of the
Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)
and Shiawassee Township officials heard engineering
consultant Scott Dierks’ three-phased plan to gradually
remove what has been termed the dangerous and outdated
dam from the Shiawassee River, and to restore the
river’s flow and functionality.

The process began two years ago with the impoundment
drawdown and this group is planning the next two phases
of the plan, set throughout 2015. Partial dam removal began
in the fall of 2012 after a 12-year-old girl drowned
at the dam in May of that year. The next phase of the
removal calls for the elimination of the piers, retaining
walls and the powerhouse, along with filling in of the approximately
12-foot-deep scour hole just downstream of
the dam, using the concrete rubble created by demolition
of the structure.

Phase III will include channel restoration, stabilization
and habitat improvements. The group hopes to create a
safe atmosphere that can be enjoyed by the community,
and to create a viable aquatic habitat for the river’s wildlife
and vegetation.

The FOSR has sought and received a number of grants;
organizing those plans will aid the group in obtaining future
grants. They have already received a $162,700 grant
from the MDNR, and a $62,500 grant from the Saginaw
Bay Watershed Initiative Network (SBWIN). Both of
these grants were earmarked for Phase II of the project,
and the group has applied for several other grants that will
aid in the restoration of the river, including a $30,000 Fish
and Wildlife grant. The group plans to create bid documents
by the start of the year, with construction beginning
by mid-summer.

The plan for now appears to involve a gradual removal
of the existing structure, as the group wants to retain the
sediments that have accumulated on the upstream side
of the dam to maintain the river’s shape and integrity.
Removing the dam all at once would have the effect of
widening and deepening the river due to the immediate
loss of most of the collected sediment. For this reason,
the dam’s skirting will initially be left in its place to promote
a gradual dispersal of the sediment in question. The
gradual removal option should have the effect of lowering
the floodplain, therefore reducing the risk of flooding for
those in the river’s contiguous vicinity.

After the panel concluded their demonstration they then
opened the floor to the audience for questioning. Some
of the better questions asked were concerning the matter
of flood insurance and the issue of the dreaded sea lampreys.
A local resident asked if those living in the floodplain
would see a decrease in their flood insurance if the
floodplain were lowered, to which FOSR member Gary
Burk replied that he was not sure.
“If anything it will reduce flood risks downstream
because there will not be the threat of dam failures,”
Burk said. “We have already taken flood risks out of the
equation upstream by controlling the flow of water into
the dam.”

On the issue of sea lamprey, MDNR representative Joe
Leonardi dispelled the fear of an infestation should the
dam be removed. “As it is currently, the dam is not a barrier
that is keeping the sea lamprey out. But there is not
as large of a population as people would think.” He also
noted that the state plans to use TFM, or 3-triflouromenthyl-
4-nitrophenol, to treat the entire river to eliminate
the dangerous aquatic predator.

For more information, persons may check the Friends of
the Shiawassee River website,

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Shiawassee River

Where IS the Shiawassee you ask ?

Many people start at the headwaters near HOLLY,MI
in Oakland County and it flows up to SAGINAW,MI

ECO-Tourism Facts and Figures

Yearly ECO-Tourism matters immensly to River communities

Genesee County Parks puts the value at $19 MILLION for 2013

Thursday, July 31, 2014

New Footbridge in Chesaning

Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:25 am
CHESANING — The village of Chesaning is planning a ribbon cutting ceremony
 Aug. 13 for a new footbridge that has been constructed over the Shiawassee River.
 The ceremony is set to begin at 6:30 p.m. near the bridge behind the 
chamber of commerce, according to Chris Mishler, a  volunteer who helped with the project.
 Following a program, those in attendance will cross 
the bridge and refreshments will be served in Cole Park.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Easements enhance Conservation efforts

A Message from NOHLC Executive Director Sue Julian

The House of Representatives in Washington voted 277 to 130 for H.R. 4719,
 The “America Gives More Act of 2014,” a charity package
 that includes the Conservation Easement Incentive Act. 

Among many good causes, this bill makes permanent the
federal tax deduction for conservation easement donations. 

This allows NOHLC to work with our neighbors to conserve 
their land and protect valuable natural and
historic resources in northern Oakland county.
This important tax incentive enables families to choose conservation
thereby improving the quality of our air and water,
promoting locally grown food, protecting wildlife habitat, 
and supporting rural livelihoods.  
NOHLC appreciates the bi-partisan support for private land conservation
shown by the votes of Representatives Rogers, Bentivolio and Peters.  
More importantly, making the enhanced incentive permanent 
is about ensuring a legacy.  Land tells the story of our nation,
providing both a window to the past and a key to a healthy
and secure future.  It ensures that open spaces will be there 
for future generations to farm, graze or simply enjoy. 
Our grandchildren’s children will thank us for making
this vital incentive for conservation permanent.
Now it is up to the Senate to vote for it. 
This House passage represents a unique opportunity for 
Congress to make a final push to get this legislation
over the finish line and make the incentive permanent once and for all. 
Our organization protects the landscapes that make this
community a wonderful place to live, and we need to
have this important incentive in our conservation toolkit.



Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Awards for Shiawassee River Trail

- The Shiawassee River Heritage Water Trail - 
is featured in the ""The Review"" an official magazine
 of the Michigan Municipal League. 
-The magazine acts as a medium for the exchange 
of ideas and information among the officials of 
Michigan cities and villages.
- It has been published continuously, ten times-a-year,
since 1928. It is mailed to over 10,000 elected and 
key appointed officials in Michigan cities and villages 
and pass-along readership is over 40,000

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

17th Annual Shiawassee River Cleanup

Come out and do your part :

17th Annual Shiawassee River Cleanup

Saturday, July 26, 2014 (9 am - Noon)

Promote the Shiawassee River as a recreational asset,
and as the centerpiece to many Shiawassee County communities.
In 2013,approximately 130 volunteers participated,
and two service groups selected sites to clean.

For this year's clean-up event, volunteers will meet
at the Oakland Bridge (behind the baseball fields)
at 9 a.m. on July 26th.

Clean up crews will be directed to multiple locations
along the river from Shiatown Dam to Henderson Park including:

Corunna Dam
McCurdy Park
Oakwood Ave. Bridge
Downtown Owosso
Owosso Amphitheater
Harmon-Partridge Park
Henderson Park

Friends of the Shiawassee River extends our deepest appreciation to our volunteers.

- See more at:

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bridges failing over Shiawassee

Bridges in Genesee County are dying

Friday, May 30, 2014

Shiawassee River Paddle - June 8 - Holly, MI

Shiawassee #River #Paddle - June 8,  

-  - 

Family friendly paddling #canoe or #kayak -

 #HollyMI - #OaklandCounty, #Michigan 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Upgrades in Infrastructure needed

UN-fortunately some local drain systems could not handle
the recent rainfall amounts before the Memorial Day Weekend 2014

There were some glitches, hiccups, overflows, etc.
Sunshine helps kill most forms of ecoli as the river levels drop.
Attempt to paddle upon the water, stay in your boat as much as possible.
If you do go in the river waters, take a shower or bath soon afterwards.
Remember, it's all highly highly diluted with millions of gallons of rainwater.

Infrastructure, underground piping, treatment plant capacity, etc.
all need tax money from federal, state and local communities to operate
in a manner that can handle multiple severe rainstorms in the springtime.
It can't be forgotten, pushed off till next year, again and again.

This news story came out of WLNS a few days ago

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Durand Stormwater Overflow Shiawassee River

Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 3:33 pm

CORUNNA — The Shiawassee County Health Department today 
announced the city of Durand wastewater treatment plant 
this week experienced a sanitary sewer overflow.
On Monday, sewage was discharged by the plant 
into the Holly Drain north of the plant near Durand Road. 
 Approximately 143,000 gallons of partially treated wastewater was discharged. 
The Holly Drain flows into the Shiawassee River near Vernon.
Sewage discharged by the Durand Wastewater Treatment Plant into the Holly Drain north of the plant near Durand Road. 
For further information, contact Steve Mince, 
director of public works for the city of Durand at 288-3113,
Gary Burk, director of Public Utilities for the city of Owosso at 725-0550

or Larry Johnson, director of environmental health, 

Shiawassee County Health Department at 743-2390.

Recent Rains cause River to rise

The river will be high volume this weekend
May 16, 17, 18 in 2014 due to recent rainfall.

Please don't over estimate your skills
- or the power behind moving water in a river.

Each and every gallon of water weighs 8 lbs
With a 100 gallons moving forward
- that is  800 lbs of force hitting your boat/body.

Paddle smart with your head in the game, think before you go,
paddle with a buddy, wear your vest at all times on the water

Water doesn't have to be real deep to cause major problems
- a few feet is plenty to be a problem in a pinned kayak/canoe.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Genesee County's trail map

If you are interested in updating Genesee County's trail map, 
please attend the first of two meetings that are scheduled 
to start the process. 
Both meetings start at 2:30pm at the Mass Transportation Authority offices
on Dort Highway/I-69 interchange in Flint. 
The first meetings is May 13, 2014 and the 
second meeting will be May 22, 2014. 
This is for non-motorized trails, 
and  we need to include
our "Blue Water Trails" along the Shiawassee and Flint rivers.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Shiawassee River Events for 2014

Shiawassee River Events for 2014

7 - Wednesday - Headwaters Trails meeting in the Holly Village Chambers attached to the Police Station, 7 pm.
14 - Wednesday - Keepers of the Shiawassee Full Moon Paddle - Linden Mill Pond 6:30 pm
18 - Sunday - River Cleanup by Headwaters Trails, Water Works Park in Holly to Strom Park in Fenton, meet at 9 am at Water Works Park, expect to go to 2 pm.  See for more info.


1 - Sunday - River Cleanup by Headwaters Trails, WW Park to Strom Park, meet at 9 am at Water Works Park, expect to go to 2 pm.  See for more info.
4 - Wednesday - Headwaters Trails meeting in the Holly Village Chambers attached to the Police Station, 7 pm.
8 - Sunday - Headwater Trails - Adventure Paddle - no race this year - Pleasure Paddle from Water Works Park (690 Broad St. Holly, MI) to Strom Park.  Approximately 7 miles by river.  Registration begins at 10 pm, boats launch at Noon.  See for more info and registration forms. $10.00 includes return transportation 

with your boat to WaterWorks Park.
12 - Thursday - Keepers of the Shiawassee Full Moon Paddle - Linden Mill Pond 6:30
21 - Saturday - Keepers of the Shiawassee Sunrise Breakfast Paddle - 

DNR Boat Launch on Lake Ponemah in Fenton - 5:56 am
21 - City of Linden - Linden Mills Days
21 - Saturday - City of Linden / Argentine Township River Cleanup.
28 - Saturday - City of Fenton - Fenton to Lake Ponemah river cleanup.

2 - Wednesday - Headwaters Trails meeting in the Holly Village Chambers attached to the Police Station, 7 pm.
13 - Sunday - Keepers of the Shiawassee Full Moon Paddle - Linden Mill Pond 6:30 pm
19 - Saturday - Keepers of the Shiawassee Sunrise Breakfast Paddle - DNR Boat Launch, Lake Ponemah in Fenton.

6 - Wednesday - Headwaters Trails meeting in the Holly Village Chambers attached to the Police Station, 7 pm.
9 - Saturday - City of Linden - Flotilla - Starting downtown Linden and paddle to Spoonz Restaurant on Lake Ponemah.
10 - Sunday - Keepers of the Shiawassee Full Moon Paddle - Linden Mill Pond 6:30 pm
16 - Saturday - Keepers of the Shiawassee Sunrise Breakfast Paddle -

DNR Boat Launch on Lake Ponemah in Fenton - 6:40 am

3 - Wednesday - Headwaters Trails meeting in the Holly Village Chambers attached to the Police Station, 7 pm.
9 - Tuesday - Keepers of the Shiawassee Full Moon Paddle - Linden Mill Pond 6:30 pm
28 - Sunday - Headwaters Trails river cleanup from Water Works Park in Holly to Strom Park in Fenton, meet at Water Works Park at 9 am

1 - Wednesday - Headwaters Trails meeting in the Holly Village Chambers attached to the Police Station, 7 pm.
4 - Saturday - Fall Color Paddle by Headwaters Trails, from Water Works Park in Holly to Strom Park in Fenton.  Registration starts at Noon, boats put in at 1:00.

Moonlight Paddles, organized by the Keepers of the Shiawassee start in the Linden Mill Pond and go to Spoonz Restaurant on Lake Ponemah. Paddles are wet at 6:30 pm.  Join the Keepers of the Shiawassee for the complete trip or meet at the restaurant and paddle back in the moonlight.  Find them on Facebook at

Saturday morning sunrise paddles organized by the Keepers of the Shiawassee will meet at the DNR Boat Launch on Lake Ponemah and paddle to downtown Linden for breakfast.  Times listed are paddles wet times.

If you are aware of blockages on the Shiawassee River between Water Works Park and Byron, you can report these to Chuck Julian at  We will try to schedule cleanups to get as many blockages as we can.

The Keepers of The Shiawassee has meetings the 2nd Thursday of each month.  These are normally at the Fenton Community Center from 7 - 9 pm.  In June, July and August the meetings will be on the river and meetings places will be announced at a later date.  You can report river blockages to the Keepers at 810-750-4067.  or contact Debbie McCarty at 810-560-2337 and Maggie Yerman at 810-735-9570,

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Shiatown Dam Dismantled in 2014

Posted: Saturday, April 19, 2014 7:00 am

The next step in the removal of the Shiatown dam is starting to take shape.
An engineer is waiting for the water level of the Shiawassee River 
to go down this spring before he completes some survey work, 
according to Tom Cook, president of the Friends of the Shiawassee River. 
The dam is managed by the Michigan Land Bank, but the state asked 
the Friends to help with the removal process after studies revealed safety concerns.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

DNR Wetland Wonders program 2014

Something new to do in 2014
Bird lovers can join viewing tours in April and May 
at waterfowl areas managed by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
The DNR's Wetland Wonders program focuses on locations in the southern part of the state.
They include Shiawassee River State Game Area.
Species that might be seen range from diving ducks to 
trumpeter and tundra swans, osprey, bald eagles and sandhill cranes.
DNR biologists and technicians lead the tours.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

River path downtown Owosso to be repaired

 Owosso City Council voted unanimously to approve a resolution
for repair of the James Miner Riverwalk, which passes under the
 M-21 bridge alongside the Shiawassee River.
James S. Miner River Walk, nestled along the river is a five mile River Walk, 
beginning in Corunna's McCurdy Park and ending in Owosso's Green Meadows Park. 
It winds and curves along the river and is literally a sightseeing splendor 
passing by dozens of the areas best attractions. 
The new Sam & Opal Voight walkway also wraps along both 
the north and south sides of the river, adding another mile to walk, bike or run.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

FOSR - 2014 speaker series

 Some people may enjoy this on - February 25, 2014 -

Friends of the Shiawassee River  ( F O S R )
Optional dining at the Wrought Iron Grill in OWOSSO
will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a presentation
and discussion about paddling on the Shiawassee River
with Guest Speakers from Keepers of the Shiawassee.
Paddlers of all skill levels are welcome

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Friends of Shiawassee River FOSR

Worth taking a closer look at :

New Webpage with tons of new contact.
Get involved, share info, experiences, knowledge, etc.

The Shiawassee Watershed Project will kick into high gear in 2014


Friday, November 22, 2013

New APP release Version 1.3

Version 1.3 is now available for "The iShiawassee" APP
at the Apple iTunes Store in time for the holidays of 2013

a.) enhanced social media capabilities
like Email, Facebook, and Twitter.
b.) proudly displays the Pure Michigan log,
full official endorsement  from MEDC
c.) updated look for The iOS7 Platform
d.) reduced the overall "size" under 60 MB
e.) displayed on Michigan's Water Trail website

Requires iOS 7.0 or later.
Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Shiawassee River Watershed and MSU

MSU Grant Awarded to the Friends for Water Quality Enhancement

The Michigan State University Planning and Zoning Center has contracted
Friends of the Shiawassee River to undertake an 18-month, water-quality enhancement project
 for the entire Shiawassee River Watershed, with funding provided by the Environmental Protection Agency’s
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Program.
The project aims to empower local communities and their governments to address
an array of water quality issues.

Targeted water quality issues might include:
- Assessment of drinking water supplies;
- Evaluation of ecosystem diversity;
- Management of storm-water runoff;
- Identification of methods for flood prevention; and
- Assessing how the river can better support recreational opportunities.

MSU partnered with the Friends for this work because it believes that local conservation organizations,
such as the Friends, have a keen awareness of how to generate action on water quality issues
at the local level - among local government planners, elected officials, and associated agencies.

Project efforts will be launched with the Inaugural Shiawassee River Watershed Summit,
scheduled for October 17th, 2013 at the Baker College of Owosso Welcome Center.
This first step aims to bring many watershed stakeholders together to initiate a dialogue
for water-quality enhancement. MSU staff and the Friends built a stakeholder list of more
 than 800 individuals affiliated with organizations and agencies that can play a lead role
 in the betterment of our watershed. Invitations to the Summit were offered to those on
 the list, in addition to active members of the Friends. At the Summit, stakeholders will be
 introduced to several approaches to watershed management, and given an opportunity
 to network with each other and conservation professionals regarding watershed topics.

Experienced presenters will address the following:
-  Best management practices for promoting water health;
-  Implementation of green infrastructure;
-  Development of ordinance powers;
-  Planning initiatives;
-  Special watershed projects already in place; and
-  Enhancement of recreation and fisheries.

Additionally, MSU staff will be surveying the stakeholders on their perspectives on
water quality and preferred actions in the watershed,
to enable more personalized assistance in the future.
Initial survey results will be reported at the Summit.

Following the Summit, attendees will have access to opportunities for meeting as a watershed,
 and receive updates related to watershed projects. Some assistance might be available
to participating localities seeking water quality enhancement.
Additionally Summit participants will be informed about the development of two projects
 funded by the grant : a small, green infrastructure project; and a larger watershed-enhancement project.

By approaching issues of water quality at a watershed level, the collective impact of localities
 will maximize positive impact on the river’s health.
Remember, what happens upstream, flows downstream.
If we wish to make a significant impact on the cleanliness of our rivers and the beauty of their shorelines,
then we must work together. If you are a local government official, an employee of a locally focused
conservation agency, or an inspired community member, please contact Friends of the Shiawassee River
for more information on the MSU/Friends Partnership and learn what you can do to help.

P.O. Box 402, Owosso, MI 48867
 Ph: 989.723.9062

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Michigan dam info

In Michigan, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) says
most of the state’s almost 2,400 dams—74 percent of them under private ownership
—“were built decades ago and many have deteriorated due to age, erosion,
poor maintenance, flood damage and poor designs.
Those dams that no longer make sense, that stand in disrepair,
or are not removed are at significant risk of failure,
 particularly during high flow events.”
The state’s Dam Management Program has provided grants for
some dam removal projects, including ones in  
Shiawassee (Shiawassee River) .

Removing dams improves fish migration, improves water quality and habitat,
and enables the distribution of sediments such as silt and sand downstream
as “part of the natural process of rivers,” according to Gerrit Jobsis
of the advocacy group American Rivers.
Removal also reduces the risk to human safety from dams
that may collapse and creates recreational opportunities for anglers and kayakers.

Via -  Eric Freedman 
The director of Michigan State University’s Knight Center for Environmental Journalism. 


Saturday, October 05, 2013

Friday, October 04, 2013

2013 Storm Water Summit

Hoping to see great things come out of (POW) Pure Oakland Water
and the Water Resource Offices as The 2013 Regional StormWater Summit
gets underway today at Lawrence Technological University




Thursday, September 26, 2013

Help us gather INFO , quickie survey

Looking for feedback, comments, perceptions, ideas, etc.
from paddlers in Michigan - The Shiawassee River is a great
Water Trail starting near Holly,MI -


Friday, September 20, 2013

Official Movie Release "Come Paddle With Us"

- Official movie release - shown to 500+ members Michigan Municipal League Convention
 #MMLCONV downtown Detroit Mariott this week in September 2013

Come Paddle With Us from Hover Shots APV on Vimeo.

The ""Shiawassee River Heritage Water Trail"" starts near Holly, Michigan, USA
 and flows 100 miles to Bay City, Michigan, USA.