Tuesday, July 15, 2014

17th Annual Shiawassee River Cleanup

Come out and do your part :

17th Annual Shiawassee River Cleanup

Saturday, July 26, 2014 (9 am - Noon)

Promote the Shiawassee River as a recreational asset,
and as the centerpiece to many Shiawassee County communities.
In 2013,approximately 130 volunteers participated,
and two service groups selected sites to clean.

For this year's clean-up event, volunteers will meet
at the Oakland Bridge (behind the baseball fields)
at 9 a.m. on July 26th.

Clean up crews will be directed to multiple locations
along the river from Shiatown Dam to Henderson Park including:

Corunna Dam
McCurdy Park
Oakwood Ave. Bridge
Downtown Owosso
Owosso Amphitheater
Harmon-Partridge Park
Henderson Park

Friends of the Shiawassee River extends our deepest appreciation to our volunteers.

- See more at: http://www.shiawasseeriver.org/river-renewal#sthash.6Z2N2T2a.dpuf