Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Durand Stormwater Overflow Shiawassee River

Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 3:33 pm

CORUNNA — The Shiawassee County Health Department today 
announced the city of Durand wastewater treatment plant 
this week experienced a sanitary sewer overflow.
On Monday, sewage was discharged by the plant 
into the Holly Drain north of the plant near Durand Road. 
 Approximately 143,000 gallons of partially treated wastewater was discharged. 
The Holly Drain flows into the Shiawassee River near Vernon.
Sewage discharged by the Durand Wastewater Treatment Plant into the Holly Drain north of the plant near Durand Road. 
For further information, contact Steve Mince, 
director of public works for the city of Durand at 288-3113,
Gary Burk, director of Public Utilities for the city of Owosso at 725-0550

or Larry Johnson, director of environmental health, 

Shiawassee County Health Department at 743-2390.