Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Fish Lake Road canoe launch

Holly Township, working with Headwaters Trails Inc., submitted a grant application for $45,000 to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund for a Fish Lake Road Launch and Parking construction project. 

HeadWatersTrails Inc out of Holly,MI needs to get the MDEQ and Road Commission permits approved and raise the final $15,000 match money needed for the project.  Any donations you can give toward making that match will be greatly appreciated, - not only by Headwaters Trails and the people who currently use the river, - but by future generations who will use this site and enjoy the beauty and serenity of the Shiawassee River.

As many of you know, Headwaters Trails has been working on keeping the Shiawassee River open for paddling by doing things like building a launch at Water Works Park and a bridge there to get to the launch from the parking area.  That is the start of the Shiawassee River Heritage Water Trail in Holly. 

At Fish Lake Road, down stream from Water Works Park, Headwaters Trails has purchased land to build a canoe launch which can function as a take out for people who only want a short trip on the river.

The site needs to have excavation, then fill, gravel, geotextile fabric and railings added to make a place for vehicles to stop and park safely.  From that parking area, a handicap accessible ramp needs to be built.  Headwaters Trails hired an engineering firm to draw up plans to build a launch that will be acceptable to both the MDEQ and Oakland County Road Commission.  This
grant application is to fund this project.

Headwaters Trails Inc. is a 501c3 Federal non-profit corporation.  Money donated is tax deductible.

Chuck Julian
Headwaters Trails Inc.
P.O. Box 33
Holly, MI 48442-0033