Shiawassee River Heritage Trail
You can now paddle from Fenton's
-----Paddlesports is exploding in popularity, it’s cheaper than powerboating.
The secton of the river is now navigable via canoe or kayak-- -approximately 3 miles.
Takeout at US 23 is easy with great access making for a great scenic paddle.
Adventurous people could probably make it all the way to
Hard core paddlers could start in Holly at
Various teams used chainsaws to remove many large fallen trees and log jams.
A lot of debris and garbage was also picked up making the river a lot cleaner.
Even the fisherman will be happy as new habitat was created by
securing the logs via cable ties along the banks of the river.
The river is a lot healthier and will flow much easier now.
Recently over 100 local paddlers showed up for a canoe/kayak event starting in
Numerous townships and cities are CLEARING the
The river is currently navigable for 7 miles from Holly to Fenton via the efforts of HeadWatersTrails Inc.
Grant Announcement--River Trail to Continue Downstream
At the Linden Millpond on June 10th, the Fenton Community Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Flint announced a grant to continue interpretive signage downstream of Holly on the
by Eric Fish | The Flint Journal
Monday July 06, 2009, 9:22 AM
Friends of the
The full River Cleanup will remove debris from the Shiawassee from Bancroft to
Saturday, August 8, 2009 9 a.m. to noon
Join the Friends of the
Can't join in on the August 8 cleanup ? Help out
Willi Gutmann
Video documenting