Friday, July 31, 2009

Linden,Michigan USGS gauges on Shiawassee River

This gage was operated from 1968-94 then again for a short period 2001-03.
The block house structure would require a considerable amount of work to make it usableand assure that the intakes
to the river are not plugged and are responding to the changes in water levels properly.

If this gaging site was to be used again it would be more economical to establish a new shelter that houses the monitoring instrumentation.
With changes in monitoring instrumentation technology the new shelter would be much smaller than the current building.
A panel box that would hold all the instrumentation would be about 1ft x 3ft x 3ft in size.

Establishment of a gaging station is somewhat site specific and for an exact cost a site visit is needed.
The installation with all the instrumentation would run between $21,500 and $23,500.
This would include all the instrumentation, data logger, pressure transducer, and re-establishing the original datum.
Stage and discharge would be collected on a 15-minute interval transmitted by satellite and
available to the public on the "web" near real-time.
This would be a one-time cost for gage installation.

There would also be a yearly operational cost of $15,500.
This would cover developing and maintaining a stage/discharge rating, record processing,
quality assurance of data, data transmission and publication.

If the data need was something less than a continuous record station, such as peak flow only or stage only
these cost figures would change.

Please feel free to contact myself or Steve Blumer ( if you would like to discuss
the re-establishment of this gage or have any additional questions.

Russel J Minnerick
U.S. Geological Survey
Grayling Field Office Chief
989-348-8291 ext 10
FAX 6866

From: James R Nicholas/WRD/USGS/DOI
Date: 07/31/2009 08:33 AM
Subject: ********_____ USGS gauges in Linden, MI on Shiawassee River___________************

Jim Nicholas, Director
USGS Michigan Water Science Center
6520 Mercantile Way, Suite 5
Lansing, Michigan 48911
517-887-8906 (w)
517-881-2436 (c)
fax 887-8937