Monday, June 29, 2009

Bush Park - Fenton,MI on Saturday July 18, 2009

Jim Wright, Tim Julian and I worked on cleaning up the Shiawassee River from Bush Park in Fenton out to US-23 on Saturday, June 27, 2009. We cleaned up around 15 trees blocking the river but there are another 11 to go. One of the trees is around 2 feet in diameter and has another sitting on top of it. Some additional ones may appear as the water level drops. A new one has also fallen from Bush Park since we were down the river. We are planning another go at it on July 18, 2009. We would greatly appreciate any help in doing the work. The water is deep in spots and we found that waders were more trouble than they were worth. They kept filling up and then becoming hard to move in, when the water got shallow again. We also spent time tying logs to the banks with wire to hold them in place. This took quite a bit of time. It appears that no one has cleaned this section of the river in at least 10 years. There is a tremendous amount of trash floating in the river through there, so trash removing people are also needed.

If you are interested in helping us, we are planning on meeting at Bush Park in Fenton at 8:00, Saturday July 18, 2009. Row boats to put trash and tools in would be especially helpful. Please contact if you are interested.

--written by Chuck Julian