Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fenton Area Paddlers

It is kayaking time again.

We will have a meeting at

Legends Sports Café on Wednesday, April 8 at 7:00pm.

Legends is located on Thompson Rd and US23. Join us in the planning of our weekly evening group and weekend paddles. We usually paddle a local lake during the week and go further a field on weekends, alternating between Saturdays and Sundays. We also need volunteers to plan weekend get-aways. Additional adventures are prompted by individuals notifying other paddlers for impromptu paddles from time to time. Do not worry if you do not have a kayak. Many regular paddlers have extra kayaks that those new to the sport can borrow.

Please join http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/Fenton- area-paddlers/

to find out about upcoming paddles

You can also call Maggie Yerman

(810-735-9570) or email her yerantmag@yahoo. com for more information.

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