Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Custard on Shiawassee River in Fenton ?
The banks of the Shiawassee River in downtown Fenton may soon have
a reason to take a break when paddling. Treats like Salted caramel custard,
and Faygo Rock ‘N’ Rye ice cream may become available at the old Fire House
This would make a great start/stop point when paddling on the Shiawassee River .
Map of the Shiawassee River river
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Shiawassee River with Mayor of Linden
Linden Mayor David Lossing upon the Shiawassee River
via the cover of the Michigan Municipal League's magazine
Thursday, October 18, 2012
WomenInKayaks group paddles Shiawassee
Jan managed to slip into her cockpit and slithered carefully under the tree. After such a great maneuver it wasn’t fair that she was met with tons of debris on the other side and had to get out and pull her boat through it all. The rest of us decided we had better figure out how to get to shore. We made our way through the maze of limbs and somehow managed to find a few spots to get out onto shore. Once on land we had to drag our boats through, up and over more debris and downed trees. We then lodged our boats between two other downed trees that were laying perpendicular into the river, scooted down the limbs and slid into our boats. WOW, it was quite a trick but off we went 30 minutes later. It was great team work and very challenging to know we had to get through… no choice.
The remainder of the paddle was uneventful and lovely. We rewarded ourselves with dinner at the French Laundry in Fenton. Actually, we just about closed the restaurant we had so much to talk about and share.
Karol’s message from this morning sums up the intensity of our outing… “I was so tired that I left my boat on the car, walked in the house, kissed my husband and went to bed!”
Shiatown Dam sediment contains no contaminants
Updated: 10:16 am, Wed Oct 3, 2012.
SHIAWASSEE TWP. — A new report from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
says there are no contaminants in the sediment near the Shiatown dam, enabling a plan to remove
part or all of the dam to proceed on schedule.
Experts have said the 108-year-old landmark — located on the Shiawassee River at Bennington Road
near Bancroft Road — serves no practical purpose and is in desperate need of extensive repairs that would not be cost-effective.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Shiatown Dam water levels October 2012
Workers removed most of the spillways and accumulated debris,
allowing the water level behind the dam to fall in October 2012.
Video of water levels in October
The accumulated debris behind the dam has finally been opened up
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Autumn 2012 Shiawassee River
along the Shiawassee River on October 6, 2012.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Shiawassee River Cleanup - Chesaning - Saturday, Oct. 6
Shiawassee River Cleanup set for Saturday, Oct. 6 | | The Tri County Citizen
Friday, August 31, 2012
The Shiawassee Snye ?
A snye is a side-water channel that rejoins a larger river, creating an island.
The word is an Englishing of the Québécois French chenail, `channel.'
Chenail is an Acadian dialect form of the standard continental French word
for water channel, chenal.
Snye is spelled the way it is in Canadian English because it imitates the
Quebec pronunciation of chenail, which is shneye, to rhyme with eye.
Because the second syllable of chenail is stressed hard, in rapid colloquial speech
the unstressed first syllable of chenail tends to almost disappear,
hence the pronunciation shneye.
A little geography lesson for the 2012 Labor Day weekend.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
August & Sept 2012 Group Paddles on Shiawassee
Monday, August 20, 2012
Saturday October 6, 2012 Canoe in Color event
while paddling a canoe or kayak along the Shiawassee River from Holly to Fenton
Start Location
WaterWorks Park - 602 Broad Street
Holly, Michigan
United States
Finish Location
Strom Park - 299 S East St
Fenton, Michigan
United States
Contact Sue Julian
Phone 248-388-1313
On Facebook
Headwaterstrails Inc.
Keepers of the Shiawassee
Monday, August 13, 2012
Shiawassee River declared OPEN once again !
Starting in Oakland County at Holly,MI one can paddle thru to Owosso,MI and on to Bay City.
It had been blocked for decades, but not anymore ! -
Massive Log Jams were finally conquered in Byron/Argentine area allowing easy passage
with minimal portage along the river. Chainsaw crews have worked very hard to open
the river for paddling rec recreation.
Fall color paddling excursions can now enjoy the complete length of the Shiawassee
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Oil Pipelines and Shiawassee River
Approve Their Own Laws To Protect The Great Lakes From Pipeline Oil Spills.
The Report Released Yesterday (Monday ) August 2012 By The National Wildlife
Federation And University Of Michigan Law School Comes Nearly Two Years
After An Enbridge Owned Pipeline Ruptured Near Marshall, Michigan Spilling
Over One (M) Million-Gallons Of Oil Into Talmadge Creek And The Kalamazoo
The Report Found That There Is No Federal Review Of Long-Term Risks
Related To Oil-Pipeline Routing Decisions And That State's Have Done Little,
If Anything To Improve Pipeline Safety.
The Report Recommends That Changes Be Made At The State And Federal
Level, Including That Pipeline Laws Consider The Effects Of Oil Pipelines On
The Great Lakes Basin, Pipeline Information Be Publicly Available And That
States Regulate Intrastate Pipelines And Participate In Oversight And
Inspection Of Interstate Pipelines.
Some readers may remember the PipeLine work on the Shiawassee River
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Argentine River CleanUp August 12 2012
- 9:00am until 2:00pm
South Duffield Road in Argentine Township
(yellow line on map is the Shiawassee River flowing under South Duffield Road)
Headwaters Trails will be sponsoring a river cleanup on Sunday, August 12.
Meet at the bridge on Duffield Rd at 9 AM.
We will spot cars at Meier Rd and plan to stop around 2 PM.
The goal is to try to get all the way to the Byron Mill Pond
Following the cleanup, participants are invited to Maggie’s house
in Linden to eat. Vegetarian fare will be provided.
Please let Chuck Julian know if you plan to come.You can call him at home, 248-634-3513, at work, 248-335-8785or on his cell phone 248-866-3069. He doesn’t usually carry his cell phone,
so leave a message or email him at chuck.julian AT gcs3d DOT com
Chuck Julian will bring a row boat, two chain saws and cables forsecuring logs to the banks and a cooler full of drinks.Please bring tools for trimming (if you have them) such as saws, clippers,
long handled trimmers, ax, etc.It is also good to bring sturdy gloves for picking up trash and long sleevesif you are going to be helping move brush. Provide your own sun screen and a hat.
Bring your own kayak, row boat or canoe for carrying supplies and/or trash.On the last cleanup, we were loaded to capacity with trash when we got to the end.
Please let Chuck know in advance if you can bring a boat,
have room for a passenger or if you need a ride.
He will try to match up people who do not have boats
with people who have extra room.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Corunna Dam in bad shape 2012
Corunna Dam in mid-Michigan at risk of failing;
people should avoid area amid repairs
The state warned people Monday to avoid an area downstream of the
Corunna Dam on the Shiawassee River in mid-Michigan, saying the
structure is at risk of failing.
The state Department of Environmental Quality announced that it planned an
emergency drawdown of water behind the dam, located east of Owosso
and about 30 miles northeast of Lansing.
The department said inspections in recent months determined
the structure could fail suddenly.
Repairs are planned, and people are asked to avoid the area until that time.
The DEQ said its emergency order was issued last week.
"The order calls for immediate drawdown of the impoundment behind the dam
to reduce an immediate threat to the health, safety, and welfare of downstream residents
and natural resources resulting from a breach that has formed in the dam's spillway,"
the department said in a statement.
The breach, as it expands, could lead to a sudden failure that would release water
and sediment downriver, the department said.
The emergency drawdown of water behind the dam was expected to start Monday.
A full drawdown of the water behind the dam is expected by Aug. 12.
"The public is urged to maintain a safe distance from the dam during this period,
avoiding the spillway structure and the Shiawassee River channel downstream,"
the department said.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Pushing the River Trail north July 29, 2012
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 11:35 AM
Subject: River cleanup results Sunday, July 29, 2012
Photos -
Headwaters Trails volunteers met at 9:00 at Bird Road and reopened the river to Duffield Road. We were not able to go further on down the river from Duffield as it was 2:15 when we go there and had only scheduled to work till 2:00. The river is clear for canoes and kayaks at the current water level. This is an area that the tornado went through in 2007. We cut passage ways through the downed trees last year, which took two long work days with a lot of people.
This time, we had 13 people who cut, dragged and tied debris to clear the river as well as trimmed the face slappers. There are a couple of areas that the water is shallow enough that you may need to get out and walk, but most of the river can be navigated by water. We did not clear the river of trees. We cut passage ways through the downed trees and left the logs tied to the banks where possible to provide shore protection and fish habitat. There are very few houses that back up to the river, meaning that it is scenic and has a wild feel to it. All of the turns to go through the passages mean that it is not a boring trip. If the water drops more, there may be some logs that show up which we could not cut this time because they were well below the surface. We would rather not cut them if it is not necessary.
We pulled several car tires plus one over sized tire that must have been on a monster truck or something of that sort, a porcelain toilet, a mail box that had the flag up, though there was no mail in it, various bottles, cans, plastic food wrappers, grating and other miscellaneous debris. We pulled most of the junk we could find out of the river. There is one very old washing machine in the water that we could not get out. There are a few cinder blocks and there was some additional debris in this spot, where the washing machine is at, further up the bank. All of that would be better addressed from the land as opposed to from the river.
Tom Larson, who lives at the river and Duffield Road not only allowed us to take out on his property, he let us drive down to the river to remove our boats and gear and he took all the trash up with his tractor and put it out for pickup. Thank you Tom! After the cleanup, we met at Ricky Ostrowski's house where he, his mother and his grandmother served us hamburgers, fruit salad, pasta salad and lots of hospitality.
I believe that everyone greatly enjoyed the meal and the company.
The river cleanup was a lot of fun and enjoyed by all.
Many thanks to our wonderful crew, Rex Mathewson, Sue Julian, Steve Hoffman, David Spaine, John MacBeth, Gordon Gillam, Ricky Ostrowski, Burt Bilbrey, Karen Monetta and her friend Mary, and Dennis Terry. Maggie Yerman loaned us a kayak, even though she was not able to come on the cleanup. Karen Monetta has posted photos of the cleanup on her facebook page.
Since we did not get to Byron, we are scheduling another cleanup for Sunday August 12, 2012, starting at 9:00 am and going to 2:00 pm. This time, we will meet at Duffield Road and the river. We will see how far we can get. Again, the goal is to clean all the way to the Byron Mill pond, a distance of about 2.5 miles by river. I don't have any scouting reports that say how bad it is but I can see it potentially taking another cleanup to make it. It would be really great to get it done for this year's paddlers. This will leave the river clear from Waterworks Park in Holly, all the way to Saginaw Bay.
If you can come, please call me or send me an email. If you can come, please let me know if you have a boat or need to ride with someone. Rowboats and canoes are always a plus because of the amount of gear we bring and the amount of junk we pull out of the water. If you have a chainsaw, please bring it. Otherwise, there is plenty of work to do even without a chainsaw. It is best to wear hard soled shoes or boots in the river. You never know what you may step on in water stirred up by a group walking in the water. If it is sunny, you may want sun screen and a hat. Gloves are a good idea because you don't want to get cut by a piece of trash. As usual, I will bring a rowboat, chainsaws, cables for securing logs, a cooler full of drinks for all and a plan to have fun.
If you live in the area of the cleanup and are willing to host us after the cleanup, please let me know. Headwaters Trails has a meeting Wednesday August 1, 2012 at the Holly Village Council Chambers, starting at 7:00. You are all welcome to come! If you need a new copy of the minutes for the last meeting, please let me know.
Headwaters Trails, Inc.
P.O. Box 33 Holly, MI 48442-0033
Sue Julian, President: 248-634-3513
Doug Lanyk, Vice-President: 248-634-4551
- - -
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Cleanups in Owosso/Corruna July 28, 2012
9:00am until 12:00pm
Shiawassee River Cleanup
Join Friends for the 15th annual event.
Meet at Oakwood Ave Bridge in Owosso
or McCurdy Park in Corunna.
Questions? or 989-723-9062
Various groups continually schedule cleanups to keep the river
decent and navigable for folks to enjoy the resource all the way from
Holly on thru to Owosso.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Bye Bye Shiatown Dam
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
DON'T attempt going over Dam
Stay away from Low Head Dams which look like an infinity pool from a distance.
If you see a "flat line" on the river, immediately get off the river, and walk around the dam
- live to paddle another day !
Friday, June 15, 2012
How life vest is made - material, manufacture, history, used, structure, steps, product, industry, machine, History, Raw Materials, The Manufacturing Process of life vest, Quality Control
Thursday, June 14, 2012
CleanUp - June 16 - Linden/Argentine section
Section : from Linden through Argentine Township.
A pancake breakfast will kick-off the clean up
at 8 a.m. at the Argentine Township Hall.
9048 Silver Lake Rd, Linden, MI 48451
Gear Needed: chainsaws, loppers, hand saws, etc.,
bring your canoes, kayaks and flat bottomed boats
Volunteers are asked to register beforehand
Call ahead (810) 735-7980 and/or (810) 735-5050
Contact Maggie if you need more info
yerantmag AT
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Winners - June 3, 2012 Shiawassee River Race
held it's 8th annual Holly To Fenton canoe/kayak race.
It was a wonderful day for a race.
The weathercooperated with a slight complication
of a stiff breeze kicking up to slow the racers.
The winners are:
In the experienced class
First - Mark Rowe and Lauren Fry at 1 hour 51 minutes.
Second - Nathan Kissling and Micah Kissling 2 hours 10 minutes
Third - Jack Fry and Marcia Fry 2 hours 28 minutes
In the solo paddler class
First - Mark Irish at 1 hour 38 minutes
Second - Ken Foss at 1 hour 39 minutes
Steve Hoffman at 1 hour 49 minutes.
Congratulations to the winners and
thanks to all the participants.
Posted on behalf of
Douglas Lanyk
Vice President Headwaters Trails Inc.
Monday, June 04, 2012
THANKS for June 3, 2012 attendance
on the Shiawassee River in Holly, MI.
A great sunny day with some wind, okay, a lot of wind !
(We roll the dice every year on the weather reports)
Looking for input/feedback as to what we can do to make
it bigger better more wonderful next year.
We are grateful you've attended in the past and value your opinion.
What keeps people away - weather, timing/date, location, promotion,
feel/ambiance/organization - ?
Why don't we have 500 paddlers coming out year after year ?
- Any Thoughts ? - If you want to contact me personally
(off the public forums in private) catch me, via
Willi_H2O {AT} Yahoo {DOT} Com.
The river is open all year long, enjoy it !
Willi Gutmann
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
June 3 Race and Pleasure Paddle on Shiawassee
Enter the Race for some competition OR
-- join us for the leisure Pleasure Paddle.
Canoes available for rental thru Heavners Livery.
Shuttle transport all day long until 6pm.
June 3, 2012 - Join hundreds of paddlers for a day of fun
Water Trail Map
PUT-IN WaterWorks Park 602 South Broad St, Holly, MI 48442-1674
TAKE-OUT Strom Park 299 South East Street, Fenton,MI near the East Street Bridge.
Start : WaterWorks Park in Holly, Michigan
End : Strom Park in Fenton, Michigan
Distance : 7 scenic miles of twists and turns
Schedule :
10:30 am : On-site registration WaterWorks Park
11:30 am : Introductory Ceremony
11:45 am : Experienced Canoeists Start
12:15 pm : Novice/Youth Canoeists Start
12:45 pm : Kayak/ Single person canoeists Start
***1:15 pm : Leisure/fun paddle Start *****
6:00 pm : Final river sweep completed
Canoes available for rental thru Heavners Livery
Shuttle transport all day long until 6pm
Questions ? Call Sue Julian, 248-634-3513
or email
Hosted by: Headwaterstrails Inc. ,
Holly, Michigan
Doug Lanyk,,
- -
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Non-Profit Director needed Part-Time
Non-Profit Director, Part-Time. Friends of the Shiawassee River:
-Independent executive to work with board of directors
to expand efforts to protect/restore environmental resources.
-Experience required in managing volunteers,
membership campaigns, and organizing events.
-Background in conservation will be a plus.
-Strong communication skills and
demonstrated ability in computer-based tools necessary.
-Time: 15-25 hours per week; $15-20 per hour,
depending on experience; no benefits.
-Submit letter of interest and qualifications or resume,
including list of specific skills,
to PO Box 402, Owosso, MI 48867 by May 11.
Or email material to
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Tracking recent rainfall amounts
Since we don't have any USGS gauges in the Headwaters region , this may work well
to create perceptions of river height and recent rainfall amounts.
An example
Friday, April 06, 2012
Shiawassee River video in 3D ?
Doug Lanyk and I filmed a short clip on the Shiawassee River a while back
using a waterproof digital camera capable of 720 frame rate for HD viewing
This recent article --Turn Your HD Videos Into 3-D Masterpieces on YouTube
By Roberto Baldwin for Wired Magazine - April 5, 2012 |
Categories: Home Audio and Video
I followed the directions and hopefully tomorrow
Friday April 6, 2012, I'll have a 3D kayaking video posted
Now in 3D
YouTube 3D-
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
New bridge for Cole Park in Chesaning
The River Rapids Pedestrian Bridge Committee campaignto raise funds for the Cole Park Improvements Project is succeeding in a big way.
The centerpiece of the planned improvements is the replacement of the historic pedestrian bridge
across the Shiawassee River, which was destroyed by ice floes more than three years ago.
Sen. Roger Kahn and Rep. Ben Glardon present a $300,000 check Monday from the Department of Natural Resources to Chesaning Village President Joe Sedlar, for a project that would create a pedestrian bridge in Cole Park. A separate check, for $10,000, from the Chesaning Downtown Development Authority also was presented. ~snip~
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Shiawassee River Paddle Event on June 3, 2012
Shiawassee River Paddle Event on June 3, 2012
Enter the Race for some competitionOR -- join us for the leisure Pleasure Paddle
Canoes available for rental thru Heavners Livery
Shuttle transport all day long until 6pm
June 3, 2012 - Join hundreds of paddlers for a day of fun
Water Trail Map
WaterWorks Park
602 South Broad St, Holly, MI 48442-1674
Strom Park
299 South East Street, Fenton,MI
near the East Street Bridge.
Start : WaterWorks Park in Holly, Michigan
End : Strom Park in Fenton, Michigan
Distance : 7 scenic miles of twists and turns
Schedule :
10:30 am : On-site registration WaterWorks Park
11:30 am : Introductory Ceremony
11:45 am : Experienced Canoeists Start
12:15 pm : Novice/Youth Canoeists Start
12:45 pm : Kayak/ Single person canoeists Start
***1:15 pm : Leisure/fun paddle Start *****
6:00 pm : Final river sweep completed
Canoes available for rental thru Heavners Livery
Shuttle transport all day long until 6pm
Questions ?
Call Sue Julian, 248-634-3513
or email
Hosted by: Headwaterstrails Inc. , Holly, Michigan
Contact:Doug Lanyk,, 248-634-4551
Monday, March 26, 2012
River is open Holly to Fenton for late March 2012
Successful River cleanup, Sunday March 25 - Holly to Fenton
Bruce Allen, Debbie McCarty, Dennis Terry, Greg Schovan and I worked on
the Shiawassee River yesterday. Greg and Dennis went up stream from
Fish Lake Road and cleaned out one small blockage. We then went down
stream as a group and opened the way to Strom Park. There are a few
logs that are overhanging the river but since we could get under them
sitting up in a rowboat, we left them. There will be more falls in the
future as more of the dead ash trees fall into the water but for now it
is clear sailing. As we were doing the cleanup, we ran into a person
who kayaked down from Holly, named Mike. I don't know his last name but
he stopped and helped us for a while. He told us that there were no
other blockages from Holly to Fish Lake road. Thank you Mike. One of
the neighbors whose name I don't know, said that we could pile the trash
we picked up in front of his house and he would dispose of it. That is
much appreciated. We had one bag of trash and a tire. Many thanks to
our group as well as people who preceded us down the river. The weather
was sunny and warm. The water temperature wasn't bad either. If the
weather stays warm, we may do more cleanups this spring and not wait
till summer.
There were several people fishing on the river with boats that had come
down from Fish Lake Road and we saw people coming up stream from Strom
Park, just enjoying a nice paddle. The guys fishing said that they had
caught and released one good sized pike. We saw no sign of current
beaver activity. It would appear that trappers have caught them all.
There are no beaver dams left, but there is one abandoned beaver lodge
that you can see in the river still. We saw several service berry trees
along the river with hundreds of beautiful white blossoms. It won't be
long before the marsh marigolds and trillium bloom. It is a great time
to get out and enjoy the river.
Chuck Julian
Bruce Allen, Debbie McCarty, Dennis Terry, Greg Schovan and I worked on
the Shiawassee River yesterday. Greg and Dennis went up stream from
Fish Lake Road and cleaned out one small blockage. We then went down
stream as a group and opened the way to Strom Park. There are a few
logs that are overhanging the river but since we could get under them
sitting up in a rowboat, we left them. There will be more falls in the
future as more of the dead ash trees fall into the water but for now it
is clear sailing. As we were doing the cleanup, we ran into a person
who kayaked down from Holly, named Mike. I don't know his last name but
he stopped and helped us for a while. He told us that there were no
other blockages from Holly to Fish Lake road. Thank you Mike. One of
the neighbors whose name I don't know, said that we could pile the trash
we picked up in front of his house and he would dispose of it. That is
much appreciated. We had one bag of trash and a tire. Many thanks to
our group as well as people who preceded us down the river. The weather
was sunny and warm. The water temperature wasn't bad either. If the
weather stays warm, we may do more cleanups this spring and not wait
till summer.
There were several people fishing on the river with boats that had come
down from Fish Lake Road and we saw people coming up stream from Strom
Park, just enjoying a nice paddle. The guys fishing said that they had
caught and released one good sized pike. We saw no sign of current
beaver activity. It would appear that trappers have caught them all.
There are no beaver dams left, but there is one abandoned beaver lodge
that you can see in the river still. We saw several service berry trees
along the river with hundreds of beautiful white blossoms. It won't be
long before the marsh marigolds and trillium bloom. It is a great time
to get out and enjoy the river.
Chuck Julian
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Sunday March 25, 2011 river chainsaw work
Meet in Holly at Waterworks Park, 690 Broad Street, Holly, MI at 9:00 am
and plan to go till 4 pm or whenever we decide that we have had enough.
Wind storm we had a few weeks back dropped a lot of dead ash trees in the river.
Please join us if you are able to.
We need people with chain saws as well as boats to transport those saws
You are still welcome and encouraged to come along even if you have neither.
Mostly we will be walking the river with the boats to haul tools.
Once the trees are cut, they need to be anchored along the banks .
We will also pick up any trash we are able to.
Wear shoes or boots that you don't mind getting wet.
A hat, gloves and safety glasses are also a good idea.
Currently, the forecast is for partly sunny and 61, so dress warmly.
Chuck Julian will bring a rowboat; two chainsaws; a cooler with drinks; cables, nails
and hammers for anchoring logs; clippers; and a desire to have a good time.
The Fenton Area Paddlers is a group of kayak (and canoe) enthusiasts that paddle regularly
around the Fenton Michigan area, and sometimes take bigger trips.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Shiawassee River cleanups in 2012
Link to the flyer for 2012 cleanups on Shiawassee River
in Fenton, Linden and Argentine,Michigan
-Click on the flyer below for a full size image
Friday, March 02, 2012
2012 Paddling in Shiawassee River area
2012 Paddling Schedule
The Keepers of the Shiawassee released its schedule
of events for this spring, summer and fall seasons.
April 29 – "Welcome Spring" paddle at Holly's Seven Lakes State Park
at 2 p.m. at the boat launch
May 7 – Moonlight Paddle at Linden Millpond,
starts at 6:30 p.m.
May 19 – Headwaters Trails river clean-up from Holly to Fenton.
Starts at 9 a.m. at Holly's Waterworks Park.
Cleanups also scheduled for noon on May 20
at Fenton's Strom Park and 4 p.m. on May 31 at Waterworks Park.
June 3 – Headwaters Trails canoe race at Waterworks Park.
June 4 – Moonlight Paddle at Lobdell Lake's DNR launch
starts at 6:30 p.m. Dinner at Navistar at 7:30 p.m.June 9 – Curwood Festival paddle in Owosso
June 16 – Linden through Argentine Township river cleanup.
Starts at 8 a.m. at Argentine Township Fire Hall.
June 23 – Fenton to Lake Ponemah river cleanup.
Starts at 7:30 a.m. at Bush Park's Keepers of the Shiawassee launch.
July 2 – Moonlihght Paddle at Linden Mill Pond.
6:30 p.m. dinner at Linden Hotel's Crow's Nest,
with 7:45 p.m. expected launch time.
July 30 – Moonlight Paddle at Lobdell Lake's DNR launch,
starts at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 11
– Taste of Fenton paddle from Strom Park
Aug. 19 – Flint River Paddlers to Montrose
Aug. 28 – Celebrate the Shiawassee
Sept. 3 – Moonlight Paddle in Linden, starts at 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 23 – Bush Park to Linden for Linden Autumn Festival, at noon
Oct. 1 – Moonlight Paddle at Lobdell Lake, starts at 6:30 p.m.
Oct. 7 – Headwaters Trails Canoeing in Color
For more information, visit Keepers of the Shiawassee
online or email Maggie Yerman at
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Map Shiawassee River Heritage Water Trail
A lot of hard work by many great volunteers went into creating this Heritage Water Trail
along the Shiawassee River for paddlesport aficionados both in canoes and kayaks.
HeadWatersTrails Inc. in Oakland County and Keepers of the Shiawassee in Genesee County
have cleared a lot of woody debris opening up the safe navigability of the river.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
2012 Paddling Phones
In order to get a handle on what might work well for you in your kayak/canoe :
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Fenton gets new Brewery
Getting a great meal and a cold beer at the ol' firehouse in Fenton after the gear is stowed.
Construction should be getting underway very soon on a new brewery in Fenton.
Michigan Brewing Company is leasing the old fire hall building at South Leroy and Ellen Streets from the city.
The city has worked out a seven-year lease agreement with the owners in which they pay $1 per year,
plus property taxes on the 73-year-old building.
The Fenton Downtown Development Authority is supplying up to 33 percent of the project costs, not to exceed $400,000.
Deputy City Manager and DDA Director Michael Burns tells WHMI that the company is in the process
of getting construction estimates and can pick up their building permit.
Once they get estimates, Burns says he thinks they’ll be ready to begin construction
so hopefully pretty soon and be operational by the end of the year.
The Fenton brewery and restaurant will sell beer, wine and whiskey that will be produced on site.
As seen on
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Doc Fletcher writes about Shiawassee River
A chapter in it details the June 2011 trip taken from Holly to Fenton.
In the chapter's "Back-ground" section, you'll find mention of
the efforts of both "Headwaters Trails Inc" and "Keepers of the Shiawassee"
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Aerial Video during Paddlesports Races ?
HD video capability along with a 3-axis accelerometer,
a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis magnetometer and a pressure sensor.
Might be just the thing for the Shiawassee River races