Monday, January 05, 2009

Kayak Classes in Fenton

From: Rob Taylor

Expanding Horizons Kayaking is now offering classes in three locations

- Brighton, South Lyon, and Fenton - and on various days of the week.

No excuses! Shake off those winter blues and get into a local indoor pool

to work on your kayaking skills.

Rob Taylor-----ACA Coastal Kayak Instructor

Phone: (810) 225-3652 --Mobile: (810) 355-6381


Winter/Spring2009 Class Schedule







To Register

Brighton High School

7878 Brighton Road, Brighton, MI 48116

Beginning Kayaking Session 1


(4 weeks)

8-10 pm (classroom 7-8 1st night)

1/29, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26

$145/person $260/couple

Call Brighton Community Education,

(810) 299-4130

or online at,

brightoncommunityed .com

Beginning Kayaking Session 2


(4 weeks)


(classroom 7-8 1st night)

3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2

$145/person $260/person

Beginning Kayaking Session 3


(4 weeks)

8-10 pm (classroom 7-8 1st night)

5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28

$145/person $260/couple



1:30-5:30 pm

2/1, 3/15, 4/5, 5/3


Call Rob Taylor at

(810) 355-6381 or email taylorrj@ameritech. net

"Over Easy" Open Pool Sessions


2:30-5:00 pm

2/15, 3/22, 4/19, 5/10


Fenton High School

3200 West Shiawassee Ave., Fenton, MI 48430

Discover Kayaking


7-10 pm

2/3, 3/3, 5/5

$60/person $100/couple or parent & child

Call Southern Lakes Parks & Recreation,

(810) 591-0080

or online at,

Beginning Kayaking Session 1


(4 weeks)

8-10 pm (classroom 7-8 1st night)

2/10, 2/24, 3/10, 3/17

$145/person $260/couple

Beginning Kayaking Session 2


(4 weeks)

8-10 pm (classroom 7-8 1st night)

3/24, 3/31, 4/14, 4/21

$145/person $260/person

Beginning Kayaking Session 3


(4 weeks)

8-10 pm (classroom 7-8 1st night)

5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2

$145/person $260/couple



12:30-4:30 pm

3/21 & 5/9


"Over Easy" Open Pool Sessions


12:30-3:00 pm



South Lyon High School

1000 North Lafayette St.,
South Lyon, MI 48178

Intro to Kayaking


7-10 pm

1/30, 3/6, 5/8

$60/person $100/couple or parent/child

Call South Lyon Recreation Authority,

(248) 437-8105

or online at,

Beginning Kayaking Session 1


8-10 pm (classroom 7-8 1st night)

2/4, 2/11 2/18, 2/25

$145/person $260/couple

Beginning Kayaking Session 2


8-10pm (classroom 7-8 1st night)

3/11, 3/18 3/25, 4/1

$145/person $260/person

Beginning Kayaking Session 3


8-10 pm (classroom 7-8 1st night)

5/13, 5/20 5/27, 6/3

$145/person $260/couple



6:30 - 10:30 pm

2/27 & 4/3


"Over Easy" Open Pool Sessions


8-10:30 pm

1/28 & 3/4


Class Descriptions

Intro to Kayaking or"Discover" Kayaking:Already own a kayak or thinking of buying a kayak and would like to paddle insafety with some basic skills? Then thisintroductory kayaking class is for you. This 4-hour course is oriented to beginners with minimal or no priorexperience. Topics will include safety & rescues, equipment, and basicmaneuvers. Students will learn how toexit their kayak in the event of a capsize. Several techniques for rescuing someone who has come out of their kayakwill be demonstrated. Paddling techniquefor moving a kayak in a straight line, turning a kayak, and moving a kayaksideways will be taught. Minimum of 3,maximum of 10 students per class.

Beginning Kayaking: These classes are an excellent complete beginner'scourse held in the safe and warm confines of an indoor pool. The class is a series of four weekly two hoursessions. The first session, be dressed for the pool session and at poolside onehour before the scheduled pool time for a safety/orientation session. Attendance at the first day is mandatory. This course will focus on basic kayakingstrokes that are applicable to both sea kayaking and white water kayaking. We will also work on self and assistedrescues, recovery strokes, sweep strokes and the beginning elements ofself-rescue techniques. Studentsshould bring swimming goggles, nose plugs and a towel along with swimming apparel.Participants under 16 must be approved in advance by the instructor.

Kayak Rolling Classes: This class will focus on the elements of hip snapdevelopment, high and low bracing and the Kayak Roll. Either the "C to C" or Sweep Roll will betaught depending upon student's capabilities. Strength is not important in learning to roll… it's all about boat fit,flexibility, and most importantly, proper technique. So if you are ready tolearn to roll that boat, here's your chance. The class will be scheduled for four hours, but please arrive 30-60minutes in advance to be outfitted with gear.

"Over Easy" Open Pool Sessions: Here's a chance to practice allthat you've learned in the Basic Kayaking and Rolling classes in the friendlyenvironment of the Brighton High School pool. Perfect all those different strokes, practice rescues, and work on that"bomb-proof roll" or just come hang-out with other paddlers and swap warstories. Certified instructors will beon hand to provide pointers if needed.

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