Saturday, September 07, 2013

2013 Michigan Municipal League in Detroit

Community Excellence Award finalistsSeptember 18, 2013 - Detroit Marriot

Region 1 - Shiawassee River Heritage Water Trail – (Come Paddle With Us ! )
Region 2 - Silver Beach Development (St. Joseph)
Region 3 - Belding Community Garden (Belding)
Region 4 - Community Showcase (DeWitt)
Region 5 - Economic Gardening in Imlay City (Imlay City)
Region 6 - Dancin’ Downtown (Rogers City)
Region 7 - Depot Park (Ironwood)

Michigan Municipal Leaders to Descend on Detroit in September 18, 2013:
Hundreds of city, village and township leaders from throughout Michigan
will descend on Detroit for the 2013 Michigan Municipal League Convention.
Registration for League members and non-member is now open for the Sept. 17-20, 2013

Convention taking place at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center.
The last time the event was held in Detroit was 2003.
 It was on Mackinac Island in 2012, Grand Rapids in 2011 and Dearborn in 2010.
At the Convention, officials will learn strategic lessons in placemaking, 

civic engagement, entrepreneurism, urban planning and socioeconomic development
 that can translate to communities of every size.
 There will also be a series of mobile workshops to explore key Detroit sites 

and see the work of the doers and dreamers who are redefining 
what it means to be a city in today’s global village.

 I had a  chance to "preview" a 7 minute video snippet entitled  "Come Paddle with Us!"
which will be submitted to the Michigan Muncipal League's  - Community Excellence Award program

The video is a collaboration of 3 cities - Holly, Fenton and Linden
and the video is their effort at PlaceMaking.
Mayors and council members from all 3 cities are behind this effort
to showcase their world to the rest of Michigan.
The common thread running thru all three - The Shiawassee River

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People need to be reminded - the river starts in Oakland County - 
