Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Helpers needed EARLY on June 5th for event

June 5 Race Day tasks
PLEASE consider helping us
It is an ALL volunteer effort

We are now in our 7th Year as an Annual Event on the Shiawassee River

If you would like to help a few hours,  a half day,  a full day - all help is welcome

Contact one of us :
Sue Julian 248-388-1313
Maggie Yerman 810-922-8627
Doug Lanyk 248-303-9495
Willi Gutmann 586-215-6387

Saturday--move supplies to WaterWorks building

8am -- set up
traffic signs, set up tables and tents, hang banner, set up kayak corral,
place buoy, set up start line, connect sound system, begin registration

9am -- volunteer check-in for remaining volunteers
work/job orientation; final river check team departs

9:30am -- greeting public starts (they insist on coming early!)
info table up and running; box lunch orders taken, parking attendant working,
Heavner Canoe rental on site

10:00am -- registration starts
set up awards display, time results board, site for photographing winners

11:00am -- downstream set up
Strom Park timers and greeters; safety spotters get situated

11:30am -- Introduction to the Race;

11:45am -- Experienced teams start with lap around Millpond
12:15pm -- Novice/youth teams start with lap around Millpond
12:45pm -- Single/kayak paddlers start on Shiawassee River
1:00 pm -- Timing Results start;
Heavner is on site in Strom Park for first returns;
awards and photos as people return

1:15 to 2:00pm -- Pleasure paddlers depart; photographer downstream

2:00pm -- Sweep boat leaves
Timing results and awards continue; box lunches distributed
Additional help needed with return transportation

5:00pm -- Pizza for volunteers at WaterWorks Park

5:30pm -- Final clean-up

With a little luck we should be done with it all by 6pm