Sunday, February 06, 2011

Friends of the Shiawassee River Annual Meeting: February 24 2011

The Friends of the Shiawassee River  Annual Meeting

- Thursday, February 24 · [ 7:00pm - 10:00pm ]
-  First United Methodist Church
- 1500 North Water St
-  Owosso, Michigan

Owosso Assistant City Manager Adam Zettel will discuss how to best integrate the Shiawassee River, which was identified by City Council as a proirity in 2011 in city planning efforts. All members of the organization are encouraged to attend,... as well as local and regional planning representatives and members of the community.

A suggested $5 donation is recommended and light refreshments will be provided.
Zettel will introduce the topic of “Integrating the Shiawassee River into Planning Efforts.” 

The event will be an open dialogue for members and the community to discuss assets of the River and potential for protection and development. 

“The Shiawassee River is a special place for the community. It helped establish and foster the growth of Owosso and other unique places and we hope to see it featured as an important piece of community development efforts,” said Heidi Frei, Director of the Friends of the Shiawassee River. 

The Friends will also elect new officers and recognize volunteers and local businesses for their assistance with the organizations conservations efforts. RSVP is not required, but encouraged.

For more information, please contact Jen McMillon at jmcmillon@ShiawasseeRiver

The Friends of the Shiawassee River are an all volunteer organization committed to improving the environment, promoting responsible use of, and enhancing the appreciation of the Shiawassee River throughout its watershed. 

For more information visit Friends of the Shiawassee River at
