We will meet in Holly at Waterworks Park on Broad Street at 9:00 am and go till 4 pm.
We plan to first clean the stretch of River between Bush Park and Torrey Road then jump to the section between McCaslin Lake Road and Bird Road in Argentine Township. That section of the river had many trees down in it with some log jambs. We cleaned out much of that on August 15th. Now we need to complete that section and maybe go on below Bird Road. Rex and Maggie suggest that we start at Torrey Road and work up stream due to the low water. We could then go to get the blockage just below McCaslin Lake Road starting from McCaslin Lake Road, then pull out again at McCaslin Lake Road and move on down to Bird Road to go down stream.
With this, the river will be open from Waterworks Park to Bird Road in Argentine.
We will only have two more miles to go to get to the Byron Mill Pond.
Please join us if you are able to.
We need people with chain saws as well as boats to transport those saws and other supplies on the river.
You are still welcome and encouraged to come along even if you have neither. Once the trees are cut, they need to be anchored along the banks to provide shore protection and fish habitat. We will also pick up any trash we are able to.
Wear shoes or boots that you don't mind getting wet. A hat and safety glasses are also a good idea.
We plan to work on the river rain or shine.
Call me if you have any questions.
I would also appreciate knowing if we should be expecting you to come by email or phone.
My home phone number is 248-634-3513.
If I am not home, leave a message on the machine and I will get back to you.
If you are not able to come for the full day, please call me on my cell phone when you are ready to leave
and I can tell you where to meet us.
248-866-3069. Normally, my home phone is best. I leave the cell phone in my car.
We had a great time with a great group of people on August 15th.
I hope you can make it to help us out again.
Chuck Julian
Waterworks Park is in Holly, MI.
Torry Road crosses the river just below Long Lake Road. We would park in an unused
parking lot on Long Lake Road.
Bird Road Bridge is on Bird Road just north of Silver Lake Rd. in Argentine Township. If you take
Silver Lake out of Fenton, go through Linden. The next town is Argentine. Bird road is west
of town. McCaslin Lake Road is between the town of Argentine and Bird Road.