Saturday, April 03, 2010

HeadWaters Recon:- Shiawassee River in Davisburg

On a beautiful Friday morning I met up with Doug Lanyk, Steve H and his daughter Shea for an adventure.

We launched near MillPond Park and the DavisburgPark GolfCourse - (Broadway /Davisburg Road near Dilley Road)
A little road that is severely washed out drops sharply into a small parking lot near the waters edge.

Around 9:45am we started shuttling vehicles and getting started, by 10:30am we were on the water.
Since it was the beginning of the paddle season many forgot sunscreen, a hat to block the sun, etc,

We began exploratory paddling a bit West at first ,passing Karl Shultz Park and then into Davisburg TroutPond stopping near the railroadtracks where we turned around and began the real adventure of the day.

We paddled, walked, and dragged the boats thru reeds, over rocks, mud, silt, thru numerous culverts (some smaller than others),
up and over all sorts of stuff, portaged a few times, laughed, grimaced, and basically had a great day on the Shiawassee.

Many portions were only 6 feet in width and quite shallow, others a bit wider and a bit deeper, a mix of everything in between.
At the takeout 4:45pm , in Holly upon the Millpond near WaterWorks Park, the GPS registered 9.75 miles of fun.
It's not exactly a trip I would recommend to everyone; it was a lot of work, but we got lucky with the water levels and weather !


The attached GPS file is in *.GPX format .

Those that use Garmin Connect can view the entire thing at (this really is a nice way to track all outdoor activities biking, hiking, paddling, etc)

I'm hoping to use the time stamps from the pictures - and the time stamp from the GPS to get an accurate location of where each picture was taken , and then I'll play around with Google Earth merging it all together for public viewing.

(click on pic)