2012 Paddling Schedule
The Keepers of the Shiawassee released its schedule
of events for this spring, summer and fall seasons.
April 29 – "Welcome Spring" paddle at Holly's Seven Lakes State Park
at 2 p.m. at the boat launch
May 7 – Moonlight Paddle at Linden Millpond,
starts at 6:30 p.m.
May 19 – Headwaters Trails river clean-up from Holly to Fenton.
Starts at 9 a.m. at Holly's Waterworks Park.
Cleanups also scheduled for noon on May 20
at Fenton's Strom Park and 4 p.m. on May 31 at Waterworks Park.
June 3 – Headwaters Trails canoe race at Waterworks Park.
June 4 – Moonlight Paddle at Lobdell Lake's DNR launch
starts at 6:30 p.m. Dinner at Navistar at 7:30 p.m.
June 9 – Curwood Festival paddle in Owosso
June 16 – Linden through Argentine Township river cleanup.
Starts at 8 a.m. at Argentine Township Fire Hall.
June 23 – Fenton to Lake Ponemah river cleanup.
Starts at 7:30 a.m. at Bush Park's Keepers of the Shiawassee launch.
July 2 – Moonlihght Paddle at Linden Mill Pond.
6:30 p.m. dinner at Linden Hotel's Crow's Nest,
with 7:45 p.m. expected launch time.
July 30 – Moonlight Paddle at Lobdell Lake's DNR launch,
starts at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 11
– Taste of Fenton paddle from Strom Park
Aug. 19 – Flint River Paddlers to Montrose
Aug. 28 – Celebrate the Shiawassee
Sept. 3 – Moonlight Paddle in Linden, starts at 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 23 – Bush Park to Linden for Linden Autumn Festival, at noon
Oct. 1 – Moonlight Paddle at Lobdell Lake, starts at 6:30 p.m.
Oct. 7 – Headwaters Trails Canoeing in Color
For more information, visit Keepers of the Shiawassee
online or email Maggie Yerman at yerantmag@yahoo.com